What is FOCL’s VIP Pass?

A new initiative for season 29, the VIP Pass was created to incentivize subscribers to renew earlier. Those individuals that subscribed by June 30th are eligible to attend one author signing reception. While Literary and Patron level subscribers already possess this benefit, the VIP pass allows them to bring (1) guest to the light reception after any one author presentation. To assist with logistics, this is an RSVP offering. Those planning on attending must RSVP with your name and the name of the guest to fstaff@onlib.org by 5 pm the day before the event you plan to attend. Additionally, please bring your VIP pass the night of the author event you plan to attend and present at the door of the Carrier Theater lobby.


Q. I am a series subscriber and have a pass. Can I bring a friend along with me?
A. This pass is intended for the series subscriber only.

Q. Can I give the pass to a friend if I cannot attend the event?
A. We would encourage you to use this benefit personally but contact FOCL at the RSVP stage and we will work to accommodate.

Q. Can I use this pass next season?
This pilot program is currently only for the 2023-2024 season.

Q. Can I reuse this pass for multiple author events?
A. This is a one use only pass.

Q. Can I purchase additional passes?
A. This is only a benefit to the literary circle, patron, and those subscribers that renewed before June 30th.